The Home Distillation Handbook - English, PRINTED version

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Note: latest version, only avalable in Kindle and here. No longer as PDF.

This is the printed english version of The Home Distillation Handbook. World Wide Shipping included in price.

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This is the printed english version of The Home Distillation Handbook.
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The Home Distillation Handbook is a well described informational guide on how to make alcoholic spirits. It is possibly the best book ever written on the subject. If you have ever wanted to learn how to distill your own alcohol? Then this is the book for you. The Home Distillation Handbook has sold over 100.000 copies in Sweden alone and there for has been translated in multiply languages.

You can also find our Kindle version of The Home Distillation Handbook on Amazon. Click here to check it out (link will open in new window).

NOTE:: Distilling alcohol is an illegal process in some countries, that also includes construction of a distillation machine following the drawings in the book. This book is only for educational purpose with information that can be read in all democratic languages. The book is not intended to encourage home manufacture of alcohol.

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