Terms & Conditions

Download Information
Both free e-Books and non-free e-Books are available at Books24-7.com. To receive a downloadable copy of a free e-Book, please add it to your cart and follow the checkout procedure. When complete you will receive a download link where you can obtain your free copy. You can also download chosen books from your
account page by pressing the View button next to your order.

Payment options, PayPal and Credit Card - Visa and MasterCard are available when purchasing a non-free book. Payments are made on our payment provider servers - PayPal payments are made on PayPal servers and Credit Card payments are made on Pay&Read - Swedish certified, encrypted and secured servers.

If you have any problems with checkout or obtaining your book, please contact our Online Support and our personnel will assist you as soon as possible.

Our security system holds the download link valid for 6 days where after it will be invalid.
NOTE: Download your purchased copy within 6 days!

Prices and Currency
Prices are fixed with currency USD. Other currencies available are adjusted automatically from USD.
Please note that your Credit Card account or PayPal account will be billed with the currency you select on checkout.

Payment Information
All payments are handled by our payment provider PayPal or Credit Card - VISA or MasterCard through Swedish Pay&Read (Payer) on encrypted, secured and certified servers. Only customer information and purchase information are stored on our servers in a restricted area. Payment information is not stored because of customer security and safety reasons. You can pay using any major credit cards via PayPal or Pay&Read.

About Us
Books24-7.com belongs to Corporate - Gert Strand AB. Company resides in Sweden and all products ordered or downloaded from this shop are provided directly by us.

Privacy Statement
It is our policy to keep the names of our clients and everything about their purchases strictly confidential. We do this even without a written agreement. We do not share or sell customers information to other companies.

All of our staff have signed a declaration to keep all non-public details confidential.

Information regarding customer and purchase are stored on our servers in a restricted area for easier purchases in the future. We do not store Credit Card purchase information for customers safety reason. All CC payments are made on PayPal or Swedish Pay&Read certified, secured and encrypted servers. We only have access to cards holder name to prevent fraud purchases.

Customer Support
We have noticed that e-mails disappear in both directions. We have received various complaints from customers not receiving e-mails from us regarding questions e-mailed to us. This is due spam filters on both sides not allowing certain type of e-mails to pass. That is why are support now only takes place Online.

You can place a ticket in our Helpdesk at anytime and our support staff members will reply it as soon as possible. You can choose to obtain support from different departments and view your placed tickets and replies by logging onto the Helpdesk.